Last night, after a lovely dinner at a very nice French Bistro, I made the fateful decision to go to karaoke at the Mucky Duck.
This was fateful because, while it was great fun, I did end up actually doing the singing thing – and there are pictures to document it. Ruth Kneale and I got up there and sang – and danced – to Sir Mix-A-Lot’s classic song, Baby Got Back. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot of good “networking” in, as you are supposed to do at a conference, but it was a late night and made today a somewhat challenging day. I did make it to some of the sessions, and I did wander the Farmer’s Market – a very cool Tuesday night tradition that brings in farmers, vendors and food stands to the 3 blocks leading up to the conference hotel. After that Nikki & I ate dinner and then I went to go see the Shanachie Tour guys (Erik, Jaap and Geert) talk about their work. That was a nice end to the day. I’ll go back and post the notes to the sessions I attended now, but I wanted to let you all know what was going on “around” the sessions – because as anyone will tell you, it’s the hallway/bar/restaurant conversations at a conference that are the most important. [photopress:2962019778_e44a48a964_m.jpg,full,alignleft] (photo by library_chic)