Well, you all have seen my posts from the preconference sessions themselves, so I won’t go into that, just the “around the sessions” stuff that happened!
During our first break, I had a gentleman with a vaguely UK accent (later found out it was Scottish, but he’s been in the US for 15 years, so it’s subtle) ask me if he could be cheeky and steal a cigarette. I immediately started giggling and had to explain that I had promised myself, during my recent trip to England, that I was not going to giggle when asked for a “fag” from anyone. Of course, if you read my blog you know that I did giggle when it happened.
Lunch was a turkey sandwich, pasta salad and a HUGE chocolate chip cookie eaten outside on a slightly chilly but perfectly sunny day. It was provided by the conference (the lunch, not the day) and was wonderful! After lunch we trooped back in and hit the second preconf of the day.
After that session was over, I came back to the main part of the hotel, ate dinner and found the gift shop (located on the recreated Bourbon Street inside the hotel) and picked up some toothpaste and a razor. Ah well, if I remembered everything all the time, I’d be perfect and you’d all hate me, right? I did actually bring a very nearly empty tube of toothpaste with me, but that will do me no good later in the week…
Now I’m back in my room, chilling and checking my makeup before I head to the opening reception – also held in the recreated Bourbon Street area of the hotel – where there will be snacks, an open bar (and not the night before my presentation – yeah!! – I don’t mind *attending* sessions hung over, I just don’t like leading them hung over…) and lots of networking/chatting/socializing. I’m looking forward to it!
Tomorrow is Forms in Adobe Acrobat and CSS Layouts for the Flexible Web as the sessions I’ll be attending and the opening keynote is on keeping people in the center of your web design process. It should be a good day!