
Encouraging Communities – session 2

Viking Village-online learning commons (western’s online forum). Andy Peterson started off with a tour of Viking Village. Lots of personalization stuff, profiles, links to student blogs, galleries of media, creative writing, etc. I may not be able to do a great job of this, though, because she is occasionally talking so fast that I can’t quite follow.. Oh! She’s discussing Drupal and how to use it to create communities online. Very useful for me!!!
Quick discussion of LL2.0 programs. If you don’t know what this is 1)why the hell are you reading my blog? and 2) check the April 07 issue of Library Journal for my article on our LL2.0 program.
Now for their Drupal experience – I’m all ears!!! She suggests using the WYSIWIG editor, which makes installing whatever editor you want easier. She explained taxonomy menu very well, too, as well as taxonomy filter. Sort of odd for a “creating communities that people will come to” session, but useful, nonetheless.
14 days to have your say: ideas posted online for voting and discussion at Andy’s institution. Ok – now I get why she’s spending so much time on Drupal – she has done amazing things to create community with Drupal – it wasn’t as obvious with the staff web, but this 14 days project makes it crystal clear – Drupal has some excellent community features!
Community – Viking Village – used students; gave assignments to “seed” the forums and such with content to give people how to use the site; collaboration is critical

  • educate, empower and involve your staff at all levels
  • and way more, but she is still talking a bit fast…

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